Our company

Holiday Van is a leading company in the sale of second hand caravans, caravans and mobile homes. By relying on us you can rely on years of experience at your service: we will be at your disposal to help you find the best second hand caravans and caravans for sale at our showrooms.
Our mobile home park comes from major tour operators in Western Europe: mobile homes and caravans  on sale at our showrooms are of high quality, with maintenance garanty, in perfect condition and at favorable prices. This allows you to safely buy a product that lasts and makes it last over the years.
Our staff consists of experienced men and women who have been working in the field for years. Every day, we are committed to customers with comprehensive purchasing support, meeting every client's request.

This has built up a long-established trust and relationship that has increased customer satisfaction, making ours one of the few companies in the industry that has been able to renew and grow over time: for us the customer satisfaction is the real advertising.

Via Giuseppe Vaccaro, 15- 40132

Mazara del Vallo
in via Giovanni Lozano 67
Holiday Van 
Via Giovanni Lo Zano, 67
91026 Mazara Del Vallo
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Credits TITANKA! Spa